Vetiver Essential Oil Perfume; USDA Certified Organic & Alcohol-Free (SIZE: 5ML)
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Vetiver Essential Oil Perfume; USDA Certified Organic & Alcohol-Free (SIZE: 5ML)

Earthy, rich and luscious, the sweet scent of Vetiver can be overpowering for some, as it is an intense reminder of one's sexuality. It has a grounding effect on the root chakra, which is why traditional yogic texts recommended meditating on a mat made of Vetiver grass. The yogis understood that spiritual ascension is only possible when the lower part of the body is relaxed. As a roll-on perfume, Vetiver can provide a nourishing, centering and stabilizing experience. Its influence is somewhat like lying down under a tree or walking barefoot in soft, dewy grass. Applying Vetiver is restorative at times when physical or mental exhaustion leave you depleted and you may even begin to feel jumpy, irritable or mentally scattered. Vetiver's soothing embrace restores your deep connection to Mother Earth. This inner strength is always available to us, but with life's pressures, demands and constant distractions, our connection to the earth element is something that has to be periodically re-established. Vetiver perfume is a godsend for these moments when you need to call upon the nourishing, restorative strength of Mother Earth.

  • BindingMisc.
  • PackageQuantity1
  • ProductGroupBeauty
  • ProductTypeNameBEAUTY
  • TitleVetiver Essential Oil Perfume; USDA Certified Organic & Alcohol-Free (SIZE: 5ML)