Stop Procrastinating: How To Overcome Procrastination (How To Quit Being A Procrastinator Book 1)
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Stop Procrastinating: How To Overcome Procrastination (How To Quit Being A Procrastinator Book 1)

Get More Motivation To Get Things Done and Stop Procrastinating

Everything you need to stop being a procrastinator is in this Kindle book. The wisdom that Joseph Help shares has helped hundreds of thousands of people all over the world learn how to overcome feeling deadlocked and paralyzed when it comes to getting difficult tasks completed.

You are going to be learning the secret methods that most highly successful people use to accomplish some of life's most challenging tasks.

Inside This Kindle Book On Procrastination You Will Learn:

  • Why you are procrastinating
  • How to live an excuse free life
  • The one thing that will set you free from being a procrastinator for the rest of your life
  • How to stop putting things off until tomorrow...
  • How to overcome the fears that are keeping you bound in procrastination
  • and much, much more!

Tips From This Kindle Book About Overcoming Procrastination

4. Clean Your Surroundings
Where you live and everything around you can encourage procrastination, whether you like it or not. This is because your desk, your workplace and everywhere you frequent speaks a lot about you. If these areas are cluttered, dirty or messy, there's a huge chance that you won't want to work.

Therefore, take the time to clean up the whole mess and throw away the things that you can't use or don't need. Create a clean and peaceful working environment which encourages creativity and positive thinking.

5. Take Baby Steps
Hard work and avoiding procrastination starts with you and your commitment to finishing something.

For starters, in the first 20 minutes after waking up in the morning, there's a voice telling you that you should go back to sleep. Sure, sleep is good, but it's not always something that you need. This is even more true if it's 4 or 5 in the morning, which is the perfect time to go jogging for an hour or two.

Don't give in to that voice. Shout if you can. Tell yourself that you're going to commit to your goal. Don't just stare idly at the clock and wait for time to go by.

COMMIT COMMIT COMMIT COMMIT COMMIT. And mean it. Commit to yourself and commit to what you want to happen. Eventually, it will become second nature to you.

6. Find Someone to Help You Out
Choose a person that you're close with. They can be your spouse, your partner, a friend, someone you look up to or even a life coach if you can afford it. Ask them kindly if they can help you hold yourself accountable, but in a friendly and non-bossy way.

This way, someone can remind you to wake up early in the morning and go jogging or do whatever it is you want to commit yourself to.

Another great idea is to ask for help from someone who needs encouragement too. Think of it as a gym partner of sorts, who you can help spot to make your life at the gym easier.

Remember, two heads are better than one.

As you can see, the author, Joseph Help writes in a very straightforward manner. You won't be wasting your valuable time sifting through a bunch of fluff in this Kindle book about being a procrastinator. NO! You are going to be learning how to stop procrastinating from condensed material so that you can apply these ideas as quickly as possible to your situation.

To procrastinate is to put yourself down. There's no other way of saying it. Because of this, I'm telling you that while it may feel good to not do anything at all, it's not exactly going to get you somewhere anytime soon.

Don't procrastinate...Get this book now while it is being offered at an introductory price.

tags:stop procrastinating, how to quit procrastinating, how to stop being a procrastinator, how to quit putting things off, get more motivation, get motivated, stop being lazy, overcome procrastination, overcoming procrastination, self-help, kindle books about procrastination, tips, ideas, difficult tasks

  • TitleStop Procrastinating: How To Overcome Procrastination (How To Quit Being A Procrastinator Book 1)
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2014-09-10T00:05:38.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook