Rocker Superheroes: Episode X - Love and Danger
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Rocker Superheroes: Episode X - Love and Danger

Rocker Superheroes„ is a new young adult eBook series where each episode is a short read that leads to the next episode. It is best read by joining Kindle Unlimited (like Netflix for eBooks) so that you can experience each episode for free by signing up for the 30 day free trial. Use the Kindle Unlimited link on this page and read instantly on any computer, phone or tablet with the free Kindle Reading App.

Rocker Superheroes„ is like a high school version of the television comedy series "Friends" meets the wild adventures of "Indiana Jones" with the superhero suspense of Batman all set in Hawaii! The Rocker Superheroes„ are made up of five best friends, two girls, Kai and Plumeria, and three boys, Koa, November and Sticks, who are all seniors at Nalu High School on Maui. They are normal teenagers who want to find love, have everyday teenage problems and don€t really have any special powers, so they use their clever minds to solve increasingly scary and intense dilemmas. In life you don't know what's going to happen... just like this story.„

"Hi! It's me, Kai, from the Rocker Superheroes. It's weird to see my picture on top of the cover up there and me when I was little. I hope you like our eBook series! Our episodes are roller coaster rides filled with excitement, tears, love, laughter and fun. In Episode I, I meet my four future best friends Plumeria, Koa, November and Sticks as a five-year-old little girl for the first time. Get to know us in Episode I before going on to Episode II when we are seniors in high school. In Episode X... I hate it when trailers give the whole movie away before you see it, so I€m holding back€¦€ -wink wink, nudge nudge

€œLive through our story without knowing anything, it's waaay more fun!" €“Kai

€œP.S. You can tweet me @Kai_RS as you€re reading!€