Pro Skin Lightening Serum with Kojic Acid, Licorice, MAP Vitamin C, Alpha Arbutin, and Resveratrol
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Pro Skin Lightening Serum with Kojic Acid, Licorice, MAP Vitamin C, Alpha Arbutin, and Resveratrol

JJ Labs Skin Solutions' Pro Skin Lightening serum with Kojic Acid, Licorice, Alpha Arbutin,MAP Vitamin C, and Resveratrol is ideal for those looking to lighten dark spots or acne scars for a brighter complexion. Kojic acid diminishes freckles, melasma, skin blemishes, and reduces pigmentation. It gives you a more even skin tone. Licorice is a potent antioxidant that soothes and moisturizes your skin. It helps fade dark spots, scars, and stretch marks.Alpha Arbutin is an effective, fast, and safe approach to promoting skin brightening and an even skin tone for all skin types. It also reduces fine lines and wrinkles, hydrates, and firms your skin. Resveratrol protects your skin from UVB and UVA damage, existing free radicals (and the formation of future ones), slows down cell oxidation, and overall slows down the process of aging. Vitamin E treats scars, acne, and wrinkles by speeding up cell regeneration. This creates an anti-aging effect, which makes your skin look younger. Vitamin E also helps your skin retain its natural moisture content, making dull-looking and dry skin look healthier and fresher. Hyaluronic acid The loss of natural hyaluronic acid is one of the most common causes of wrinkles, so the idea of putting HA back into the skin to repair wrinkles makes sense. Our Pro Skin Lightening serum is great for reducing or removing wrinkles. We keep our hyaluronic acid PURE and ALL NATURAL to make your skin look younger, smoother, and firm.

  • BindingMisc.
  • BrandJJ Labs Skin Solutions
  • ProductGroupBeauty
  • ProductTypeNameBEAUTY
  • TitlePro Skin Lightening Serum with Kojic Acid, Licorice, MAP Vitamin C, Alpha Arbutin, and Resveratrol