Kale Recipes: Nature's Superfood for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner (The Easy Recipe)
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Kale Recipes: Nature's Superfood for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner (The Easy Recipe)

By now, many of us know what Kale is, or have at least heard about it. This ancient super food has a surprising amount of health benefits - and tastes great too (when cooked the right ways, of course). This loosely furled leaf cabbage has a distinctive ruffly appearance that separates it from its counterparts. The Greeks and Romans loved Kale and it's cultivation dates back more than 3,000 years. So the question remains: how do we incorporate kale into our everyday lives, and make it taste good too? It's quite easy, actually. Peek inside to learn how to create healthy (and tasty) kale recipes for 2013.

-One cup of Kale has 0 grams of fat, 5 grams of fiber and only 36 calories.
-Per calorie, Kale is higher than beef in iron.
-Per calorie, Kale is higher in calcium than milk.
-Kale promotes cell growth and healthy liver function, due to it's high level of iron.
-Kale can protect against various cancers due to it's high levels of Vitamin K.
-Kale promotes a healthy heart by lowering your cholesterol.
-Kale is great for detoxing because of it's healthy levels of fiber and sulfur.
-Kale is great for your vision because of it's healthy levels of Vitamin A

  • TitleKale Recipes: Nature's Superfood for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner (The Easy Recipe)
  • ManufacturerEcho Bay Books
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2013-04-11T00:00:00.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook