Isadore From: Retelling the Story
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Isadore From: Retelling the Story

Isadore From was a founding member and Fellow of the New York Institute For Gestalt Therapy for over forty years. He conducted training seminars throughout the United States and Europe and was importantly responsible for training many of our leading Gestalt Therapists. In so doing he made a unique contribution, especially through his emphasis on the theory of Gestalt Therapy as presented in "Gestalt Therapy: Excitement and Growth in the Human Personality." (Perls, Hefferline and Goodman). He fostered an attitude of scholarship and sharp attention to detail in language and practice, and in his wit, charm and grace illuminated the theory, practice and spirit of Gestalt Therapy.

The contents of this special issue of the International Gestalt Journal is includes previously unpublished materials by From, Miriam Polster, Michael Vincent Miller and Journal publisher Joe Wysong.

The complete contents:

"Retelling The Story: An Unrevised History," Joe Wysong; "Isadore From:  My Teacher and Colleague His Contributions to Gestalt Therapy and Influence On My Practice," Perry Klepner; "Dreams: Contact and Contact Boundaries €“ E. Mark Stern & Don Lathrop Interview Isadore From,"; "Isadore From Workshop Notes €“ Compiled From A Two-Day Workshop Held in Boston in 1982"; "And What Now . . .," No«l K. Salath©; "Ordinary Talk €“ For Isadore," Michael Vincent Miller; "Accommodation, Assimilation, and Support €“ For Isadore," Miriam Polster; "Reflections On Gestalt Therapy After Thirty-Two Years of Practice: A Requiem for
Gestalt," Isadore From.

  • TitleIsadore From: Retelling the Story
  • ManufacturerThe Gestalt Journal Press
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2011-10-20T20:46:56.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook