HTML For Everyone - First Layer In Web Literacy
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HTML For Everyone - First Layer In Web Literacy

HTML For Everyone - First Layer In Web Literacy, introduces the structure of a basic web document. This booklet contains less than 40 pages with emphases on practical exercises. Verbosity is kept to a minimum with plenty of links for further reading. The level of HTML is based on the latest standard, HTML 5. The material starts in an informal way but gets incrementally serious in order to speed up the reader’s understanding.

HTML For Everyone - First Layer In Web Literacy, was written for those who really want to learn HTML. The author assumes the reader has no prior knowledge in the subject. The only prerequisite is an open mind and willingness to try something new. The book frees the student by showing ways to continue his/her pursuit of knowledge without being held hostage to upcoming materials from the author. Self-empowerment is key in the way this material is presented.

How a web page is structured, how to subdivide presentation of data, paragraphs, links and images. The booklet also introduces a platform known as JSBin.

This is the first layer of a series of booklets to be publish in the following months.