Getting a Clue with SQL: An Relational Database Edutainment Oddysey
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Getting a Clue with SQL: An Relational Database Edutainment Oddysey

Learning SQL can be murder. Not the bludgeoning kind of murder most people experience when trying to learn the syntax and semantics of SQL, but a kinder, gentler side-splitting kind of murder as administered by Steve Halladay in this book. What is the motive? To make learning SQL enjoyable for you. What is the means? Halladay€s relentless cheesy attempts at humor! What about the opportunity? Well, the opportunity is all yours as you learn how to query an SQL database by following Perry Hazard, a hapless recent college grad as he attempts to use SQL to solve a melodramatic murder mystery. In this lampoon, the author drags you through the gory details of the SQL SELECT statement. You will learn all of the ins and outs as well as the relational theory that is the foundation of SQL. But don€t let this book scare you. The reading may be fun, but the skills you learn from this book are deadly serious. The content is an edutainment odyssey format that has caused many to groan, €œHalladay, you€re killing me!€ If, like most people, you want to solve a murder mystery and you have been dying to learn SQL, this book is for you!

  • TitleGetting a Clue with SQL: An Relational Database Edutainment Oddysey
  • ManufacturerPrinciple Publishing
  • BindingPaperback
  • ProductGroupBook
  • EANs9780991192717