Get Organized This Weekend: How to Declutter Using the A.C.T. System for Home Organizing
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Get Organized This Weekend: How to Declutter Using the A.C.T. System for Home Organizing

Is your living room a welcoming, relaxing space, or does it look like a tornado tore through your home? Is your bedroom an oasis of calm, or a repository for everything that doesn€t have a place elsewhere? If you don€t like your answers to these questions, this book is for you!
Maybe you try to get organized and never get the results you expect. You€re not alone! The reason is that many people take a Ready-Fire-Aim approach to organizing. Or, they€re simply trying to organize too much stuff! (It€s much easier to get and stay organized if you declutter first.)
In Get Organized This Weekend, you€ll discover the unique A.C.T. System for Home Organizing that will help you organize your home according to your habits and needs so you design a system that truly works for you.
In this step-by-step process, you€ll first Assess your space and your stuff so you know how you want each room to function and what you need to make that happen.
Then you€ll learn practical ways to Control the Chaos so you can be in charge, and not your possessions. (It€s your home, after all; your things must earn their right to be there.)
Finally, you€ll create a simple plan to Treat Daily so everything stays in its place.
Along the way, you€ll also discover:
Strategies for Sentimental Items
The 5 Crucial Steps for Dealing with Clutter
4 Simple Storage Rules
Secrets of the Pros €“ Simple Solutions for Everyday Organizing Challenges
10 Commandments for Chronic Clutterers
Clever Ways to Contain on a Budget

So buy this book, pick a room, and start organizing. By following the A.C.T. System for Home Organization, you can get organized this weekend!

  • TitleGet Organized This Weekend: How to Declutter Using the A.C.T. System for Home Organizing
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2013-04-01T00:00:00.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook