Eternity: God, Soul, New Physics
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Eternity: God, Soul, New Physics

Eternity, the theologian's concept of timeless space, created in the laboratory... Experiments with accurate clocks shattering our instinctive view of time... The world of atoms behaving like miniature billiard balls shown to be an illusion, the underlying reality being pure information, devoid of physical substance... These are the challenges that modern science brings to the materialist view of the world, a view which dominated the 20th century, but has since become untenable.

We now see that the ancient philosophers were in many ways on the right track all along. Religion and science, despite their incompatible language, are revealed as the two sides of the same coin. Our universe is made from pure mentality, the stuff of minds, of souls. Armed with such insight, we can now tackle topics, such as the problem of good and evil, which have traditionally been regarded as impenetrable to scientific analysis. The proselytizing of the militant atheists who dominate today's popular press is ironic. Despite their claim to be defending science, it is science itself which shows their position to be indefensible.

This book is written for a lay audience. Modern concepts are discussed on an intuitive basis, without mathematics, and the reader need recall no more than the broad outline of high-school science to be comfortable with the presentation. Care has been taken to ensure that the logic of the story flows unimpaired for the reader who chooses to skim past areas of fine-grained detail. Because many in the popular science audience will have little familiarity with religion, chapters are included which outline the history of religious traditions and the evolution of religious philosophy from ancient to modern times.

  • TitleEternity: God, Soul, New Physics
  • ManufacturerAmazon
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2013-09-15T00:00:00.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook