Change Anything by Overcoming Fear (Creating Your Own Reality Series Book 2)
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Change Anything by Overcoming Fear (Creating Your Own Reality Series Book 2)

€œThis book is all about embracing change...€œ

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Change Anything by Overcoming Fear is the second book in the Creating Your Own Reality series. This book is all about embracing change. In essence, we are all actors on a stage €“ the stage of our life. What we don€t realize is that we are also the producer, the director, the creator and the writer in addition to being the actor. Many of us have forgotten that we have this power in our lives to create anything we desire. As an actor we are starring in the most important role of our career, the play we call our lives.

Starting with a classic Milton Erickson style tale about the Town of Fear, this book can help you shift your consciousness and your perspective by opening your mind up to the infinite possibilities in life. Change can be a difficult process but it is not a four-letter word. Everything in our lives is interconnected. We live in a web of infinite energy. The things we do and the people we speak to are connected to us within this web. Many of us are hardwired to expect fear thanks to our reptilian brain, but using the clever analogy that we are but an actor on a stage, we see that each of us owns all of the experiences in our lives. The moment we get that is the same moment we start to move forward. This book helps one understand the concept of a secondary gain and it helps one understand why they may choose to stay stuck. Understanding this simple concept can help you make dramatic breakthroughs. Written from a Clinical Hypnotherapist€s perspective, the exercises in this book will prove invaluable. Experience the magic of parts therapy dialogue by bringing together all of those different parts of yourself that may be working against you by holding a meeting with your board of directors of life. Digging into these issues is life transforming and akin to peeling an onion. Discovering what your passions are and what your greatest joys are can help you move mountains as you follow the steps towards your dreams and desires.

If you envision your life as a work in progress, you are never really €œstuck€ because each new decision you make creates new and exciting opportunities. Using the concept of expanding your neural network you begin to see that the mere act of visualizing a new outcome can help you create massive change. Getting rid of old outdated thought patterns and replacing them with more up to date information that is aligned with your dreams and goals is by far the simplest way to make changes. This book also helps you explore the Law of Infinite Possibilities giving you the tools you need to open your mind up to a multitude of new solutions. Filled with fun exercises like exploring the infinite possibilities, challenging your beliefs, creating a mind map and an actor on a stage, you begin to realize that your destiny is unfolding with each new decision you make. The truth is that every choice you make creates a new part of the path. There are a number of infinite realities that each of us can align with at any given time. Every time we make a decision, we are choosing to line up with a new reality. This book helps you understand that you are creating your future right now €“ even while you are reading this. You may not have even planned on reading this, but your subconscious mind, which guides you, may have drawn you to this book. Your dreams may have drawn you to this book. Since we are all interconnected, you might even consider that I have drawn you to this book. As the writer of my own personal screenplay, I would like to invite you into my energy via the magic in this book. I ask you today to consider that the dreams of today are the reality of the future. Thinking of your life in this manner changes how you think.

Embrace the Change Now!

  • TitleChange Anything by Overcoming Fear (Creating Your Own Reality Series Book 2)
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2014-04-04T00:00:00.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook