Carpeting your Woodland Floor
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Carpeting your Woodland Floor

Ever been faced with a shady spot in the garden and don€t know what to plant? Or have the plants you€ve installed in such a spot refused to thrive?

Carpeting your Woodland Floor has been written to solve those problems in the smaller gardens of today. It describes a wide variety of hardy woodland and shade loving perennials, bulbs and ferns to provide colour and interest throughout the year in even the smallest of plots. Coloured leaves and variegated plants €“ ideal for brightening the darkness - have a chapter to themselves, while the lush elegance of ferns is described in full. Smaller, carpeting and clump forming plants to fill the nooks and crannies of the smaller shade garden are also detailed. In all, over 600 different plants are described and evaluated for beauty and utility.

The book is in three parts. The first section describes the plants by flowering or interest sequence to take the shade gardener through the unfolding year. The second section looks at the practical aspects of growing in the shade, planting, dealing with dry and wet shade, and coping with different soils. The third section is an A-Z listing with details of height and spread (in both inches and cms), flowering times and colours, shade tolerance, hardiness and foliage permanence for all the plants described in the book.

Well planted and managed shade gardens have their own beauty, often cooler and lusher than sunnier parts of the garden. Carpeting your Woodland Floor is written to encourage the development of these areas in your own garden and turn them into attractive spaces. Together with its companion volume, Clothing your Shady Walls (available in Autumn 2011), which deals with shrubs and climbers for smaller shade gardens, the book is devoted to beautifying the more difficult parts of any garden.

The limitations of the Kindle format are in colour photography. For this reason Tibouchina Publishing,, have created a web page dedicated to this volume with an extensive set of high quality illustrations, many taken in the author€s garden. This will be regularly updated and also contain links to suppliers of the plants described in the book.

  • TitleCarpeting your Woodland Floor
  • ManufacturerTibouchina Publishing
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2011-06-21T15:14:29.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook