Belly Fat: The Truth About Belly Fat: The Best Foods & Exercises To Achieve The FASTEST Results
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Belly Fat: The Truth About Belly Fat: The Best Foods & Exercises To Achieve The FASTEST Results

Belly fat is something that everyone has, but the amount of belly fat that you have can negatively affect your health. Normally, fat is under the skin and is an insulator as well as padding for your internal organs and other body parts. However, when you have excess stomach fat the fat can be deeper and surround your heart, lungs, liver and other internal organs. This kind of fat is called €œvisceral fat€. This can also occur in slim or average size people as well.

To some degree, we all need visceral fat to cushion our internal organs, however, too much visceral fat can be harmful to your health. You may be prone to many diseases such as Type 2 Diabetes, Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, Dementia and certain Cancers such as Breast Cancer and Colon Cancer.

According to Kristen Hairston, MD, Assistant Professor of Endocrinology and Metabolism at Wake Forest School of Medicine, excess fat that is stored in your body does not just sit there, it makes €œlots of nasty substances€. When a person gains too much weight and there body runs out of places to store the fat, it starts to store fat in unusual places such as the organs and around the heart.

There are certain foods and exercise that help to eliminate excess visceral and belly fat. This book will provide you with some helpful foods and exercises that will jump start the process and produce faster results. Learn how you can achieve lasting results and improve your overall health.