Beginner's Guide to Home Brewing
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Beginner's Guide to Home Brewing

The quick and easy guide to making great beer at home.

Making beer is probably easier than you think, and a lot of beginners worry that they're not worrying about the right things. This is the book you need.

This beginner's introduction is not for the beer geeks, the brewing technicians or the obsessive compulsive. It's for the person who wants a relaxing, quick and easy introduction to one of the better hobbies on the planet. Maybe a friend just bought you a brewing kit and you want to learn a little more about this home brewing thing. Or maybe you're just curious. If so, this is a great starting point. Or, as Kevin Murphy says in his review, "A must read for anyone considering home brewing."

There are a lot of details in brewing and sometimes it can get overwhelming. The general rule is -- don't worry. There are a few things you need to pay attention to, but by all means, chill. Home brewing ingredients are so good these days that if you're moderately careful you can make really good beer at home.

If you're ready to relax and try your hand at home brewing -- without sweating all the little details -- this little book will help.

This short introduction might be enough to slake your curiosity, give you the details you need to brew at a level you're comfortable with and start you on a life-long hobby. The author started brewing in 1987, and for about the next 20 years stuck with a pretty simple, basic method. It worked well enough to make some pretty good beer -- with some notable exceptions! Eventually the author took the plunge into all-grain brewing, but he still tries to keep that "relax, don't worry" ethic.

  • TitleBeginner's Guide to Home Brewing
  • ManufacturerCrowhill Publishing
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2013-11-24T00:00:00.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook