An Essay on the Kingdom of Christ
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An Essay on the Kingdom of Christ

Abraham Booth (1734-1806) was a confessional particular baptist pastor in England. He wrote €œAn Essay on the Kingdom of Christ€ in 1783 as a commentary on the Church of England. His essay builds upon an inherited foundation of baptist covenant theology known today as 1689 Federalism.

In Booth€s essay, the glory of the kingdom of Christ shines brightly as he distinguishes it from every kingdom on earth, including the €œIsraelitish Theocracy.€ His was a day in which ideas mattered, and his ideas, shared by others, as representative of a long covenantal tradition, had significant consequences in America, and eventually throughout the world. Today is still a day in which ideas matter, because ideas always matter. Our hope is that Booth€s essay will aid you in thinking upon Christ and his kingdom as you sojourn on this earth.

--Brandon Adams. April, 2015

  • TitleAn Essay on the Kingdom of Christ
  • ManufacturerReformed Libertarian
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2015-04-08T17:47:30.369Z
  • FormatKindle eBook