AleHorn XL 22
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AleHorn XL 22" Handmade Viking Drinking Horn with Stand

When Viking warriors returned home victorious from conquest or battle, before they ate anything else, they were always offered a drinking horn as a symbol of welcome. In many cultures, warrior men and women are buried with their horns to symbolize their status as proud soldier. Ceremonially revered by many different cultures, drinking horns have helped us position ourselves between the earth and the gods for thousands of years. Peasants, kings, travelers, and warriors all have the drinking horn in common. We modern Vikings are no different from the ancients, and we too deserve to come home to a horn of welcome after the battles of daily life. AleHorn Viking Drinking Horns are handcrafted the same way horn vessels have been made for hundreds of years. Each horn is unique, shaped and colored by nature. All vessels are polished, sealed, and fitted with brass trim in order to preserve and protect the natural material. Like color and shape, volume will vary from horn to horn, but the XL size will hold more than one bottle of beer, and perhaps a full bottle of mead. Each handmade drinking horn also comes with a matching 100% horn stand, because we know you can drink your whole drink in one go like the Vikings did, but thought we'd give you the option of setting it down.

  • EAN0802991996665
  • ProductGroupKitchen
  • ProductTypeNameKITCHEN
  • TitleAleHorn XL 22" Handmade Viking Drinking Horn with Stand
  • UPC802991996665